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Teeter Hang Ups Inversion Table Comparison Chart
The Differences Between The F5000 & F7000 Are Quite Simple
The two most popular inversion tables available are the Teeter Hang Ups F5000 and F7000. These are also the best manual tables money can buy. The best electric table is the Power II GL. The F5000 and F7000 tables are similar. The F7000 is considered the delux model because it has three additional features. The main extra which people really like are the traction handles.
The F7000 Inversion table is the same as the F5000
Except the F7000 has Three
Special Additional Features
1. EZ Stretch Traction Handles
These handles assist you in using your arms to enhance the traction effect. With the muscles in your back relaxed, pushing on the handles can help to increase the traction and stretching experience.
One reason the EZ Stretch Traction Handles are a good idea
is that they make doing the
Rocking Motion
Rhythmic Intermittent Traction
very easy. Simply lay down flat on the table and when you want to rock up pull on the handles bend your knees and you will come up.
2. EZ Angle Tether Strap
Offers preset angles to 20, 40 and 60 degrees. This make it easy to gradually increase the angle without over stretching.
3. Corner Feet
These adds stability to an already very stable table. They increase the A-frame base by 20%, help to prevent sliding and protect floors.

Corner Feet

Teeter Hang Ups

6'6", 300 lbs. Capacity

Traction Handles
Please note:
Most people do not need gravity boots to get the full use of their inversion table. If you choose to order the boots and conversion bar at a later date your cost is only $14.50 more than if you purchase at the same time as your table.
Folds easily for storage.
F700 Folded


Able to stop at any angle of inversion
Able to fully
invert for stretching
and exercises
Folds for storage

Adjust for height
and weight

Offrers full body stretch, all weight bearing joints

Removable, washable nylon mat

Instructional DVD included
88 page 'Better Back, Better Body Book' included
Easy grip
Tracion Handles
Corner Stability Feet  
EZ Angle Tether Strap preset 20, 40 & 60 degrees  
Can use with
Teeter Gravity Boots
handle to secure feet
Maximum capacity
300 lbs
Maximum capacity
250 lbs
Uses motor
to invert
90 / 90 position,
stretch from the hips
Five year warranty
Two year warranty        
inversion benefits
Feel free to call if you have any questions or would like to order (800) 570-0057
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